You have many organizations, groups and programs in the college that can enrich your educational and social experience.
Getting involved with a student group is a good way to learn more about yourself, give back to the community and have fun with friends.
Alpha Rho Chi [Theodorus Chapter] (APX)
A professional fraternity for architecture and allied arts, where students work together through professionalism, philanthropy and brotherhood to push boundaries of education in architecture and design.
Follow APX on .
American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
A group that acts as the voice of students to the profession of architecture and design and helps to build interest and enrich the educational experience of students in architecture and design.
Follow AIAS on .
American Society of Landscape Architects Student Chapter (ASLAS)
A student group working with ASLA to enhance the educational experience of landscape architecture students and advance the discipline.
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
A student group working with the professional CSI to help bridge the gap between the academic environment and the practice world.
Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC)
A group of student representing all college disciplines who act as a liaison between the dean of the college and the student body.
Freedom by Design
An AIAS community service student group that aims to impact the lives of people in their community through modest design, construction solutions and addressing accessibility issues.
IA Collaborative
The student chapter of the International Interior Design Association and the American Society of Interior Designers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. IA Collaborative seeks to provide resources to members, as well as the outside community, to make a positive impact in the design community.
Visit IA Collaborative’s or follow them on .
National Organization of Minority Architects – Students (NOMAS)
A student group dedicated to cultural pluralism in the architecture profession and academia that seeks to provide a collective voice for underrepresented students by building a sense of community based on shared experiences.
Follow NOMAS on .
Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society Beta Alpha Chapter (TSD)
An honor society for students in architecture and allied arts to celebrate excellence in scholarship, to stimulate mental achievement and to award those students who attain high scholastic standing.
Women in Design
Women in Design at UT works to increase the viability and visibility of women in design-related industries and to prepare students for success.
UT Student Groups
Campus wide, you have dozens of student groups in which you can participate: